Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I have a Complaint
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall Blues
New Book, New Attitude
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Birthday Shinanigans
My poor husband tries so hard every year to get me out of the funk, and I fight him the whole way.
Last night however, I broke, and finally had a good birthday, one that I allowed myself to just sit back and enjoy, I don't know what came over me, but I have to say, it felt good to not pout on my birthday.
When I got home from work my husband gave me my presents, I got a charm bracelet from Tiffany's and my first charm, its a cupcake because I love to bake.

He also got me Bette Midler Tickets!!!!! I know this makes me seem extremely old and a bit off, but she plays at Caesar's Palace, and really she is a legend, and we might as well go see her...Besides the fact that I think she is FABULOUS!!! I mean come on, Beaches alone was one of the best movies ever, and I hate sappy, sad movies...

The Hubby then took me to The Paris Casino to a French Restaurant called Mon Ami Gabi. Its really frickin good, and all fancy and stuff...I had an awesome steak and frites and we had the Banana Fosters for dessert. We had a table that looked out over the strip at Ballagio and every 15 minutes we got to see their water show. It was quite romantical, even though I am the most un-romanitical person ever.

All in All it was a great night, and I would like to say Kudos to the Hubby for making it special (and it smart of him to get me nice a liquored up). But I also want all to know that I did not turn 28 last night, I am now counting backwards, so I am 26. Thank you very much!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ripped From the Headlines...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cold and Miserable
But, as you will soon find out, I waste a cute outfit everyday on my god awful work place.
So now picture this...I am sitting at my desk with a huge woolly, dark grey sweater on, I have a dark red flannel throw blanket wrapped around my legs and I am sitting on a heating pad that is turned on high...this is my miserable existence every day that I am in this dungeon of an office.
Its so cold in here, that on occasion I have not been able to type because my fingers are so frozen (although I always make exceptions for Blogging). I actually eat lunch outside in the hot Vegas sun in order to thaw out from my morning freeze. This is getting friggin ridiculous. I have complained a million times, but apparently the other offices we share our thermostat with is located in the hot Amazon jungle and in order to function they need their air down to 65 degrees. Well, THE WAR HAS STARTED!!!!
When I come in to work I march myself down the hall and turn up the air, but it never fails that they turn it down immediately after. I feel the need to one of these days round house kick someone in the head! I'm Serious!
Um, P.S. personal goal set yesterday for me...I ran 8.40 miles! Supa Star! I of course however can barely move today, but it was worth it!
Oh, and P.P.S. I turn 28 tomorrow, this makes me want to cry, I don;t like talking about it, in fact, i didn't even tell anyone at work...I can't take a cheesy cake and the singing...it makes me want to stab myself with a pencil...I always think of the movie Office Space and how ridiculous everyone looks with the cakes and the singing...UGH!
And before I forget, my favorite show is back in full force...The Big Bang Theory...The season premiere was last night, and once again, they delivered brilliantly! BRAVO!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Weekend Festivities

Saturday we were on a Festival High and decided to check out the Hot Air Balloon Festival (the Balloon-a-palooza) WHAT A BUST! First of all, when I got to a balloon festival, I want to see Balloons! I got none of that!
The festival was more of a small carnival with a circus and rides, really. I do have to say that I ate a Corn Dog...which I hated as a child but now find them irresistible...
Oh, and we got a funnel cake with hot fudge and whipped cream on top...I almost passed into a sugar coma after that one.
There was a really sad cover band. They attempted some DMB but sadly were pretty awful.
I enjoyed the funeral wagon that greeted us as we walked in...
That is always a nice welcome...
We pretty much posed for a picture, stuffed our faces and left. It was a bummer.
So, all in all, I would recommend the Greek Food Festival for next year, and make sure there are balloons around if you drive out to N. Las Vegas for a "Balloon Festival."
Have a good Monday!
Friday, September 19, 2008
This will make me happy!

My Husband and I ate this while in Monte Carlo. I want to stuff my face off right now with this yummy goodness! I would gladly run 7 extra miles today if I could eat this right now!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Obsessions for this Week

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thinking about the above paragraph in my head over and over has gotten me to one conclusion...My closest friends would rather hang out with my ex-boyfriend than me! OMG! That is so utterly depressing I can't stand it.
I mean I get the fact that I'm an old married lady and they are still single and having a good drunkin time every weekend. But jeeze you guys, throw me an frickin bone here. I can still be fun, I can still hang for an all night drunk fest at my former college...Can't I? That's when I realized that No, I can't hang anymore.
I take you now back to the weekend my awesome friends came to visit my husband and I in Vegas...First off, I was actually a little hesitant to have them come visit for the mere fact that "How in gods name was I going to be able to get my grocery shopping done for the upcoming week?" Yes, sadly enough I have a set schedule for my weekends because, A) I'm a bit OCD and B) I just really have nothing else going on right now.
So my friends come in and right away they are so fired up to party their arses off that I become really nervous. It has been about a year since I really partied.
The whole weekend consisted of us going to dinner and partying at Planet Hollywood (where they stayed) all night, except I did not indulge in the all night partying the way they did. I actually started the nights anxiously planning out what time I would be going home so I could take the dogs out before bed. How sad am I. I've gotten to the point where I can't even let loose because I feel I have responsibilities that can not be neglected for even one night.
oh, and remember, my husband works grave yard shifts, so its not like I have anyone waiting impatiently for me to get home...in fact, much to my surprise, my husband issupportive of me going out with friends...so why can't I get myself to do it?
While my friends are in town, they are staying out till 5am and I am going home (pretty much sober) at 1am. Super lame, huh? While I watch them get drunk and dance and have a good time, I am planning my excuse for having to get home...So, really, its no wonder that they would rather hang out with my not afraid to have a good time ex, instead of me...I really don't bring much to the table.
I guess instead of being uber P-Oed that my friends chose to invite my ex, knowing full well that I would be too uncomfortable to join them, I should really sit back and reevaluate why my friends would rather this take this route.
I went from partying four nights a week, to planning out my weekly grocery trips. Is this what being a grown up is? Have I embraced it too fully?
Right now, sitting at my desk at my boring job (yes, I am blogging while I should be working) I am realizing that I need to get out and live...my husband and I live in Las Vegas for crying out loud. Granted we have no money, but I'm sure we could be finding something more exciting to do than dinner and a movie on the weekends. I need to make friends... I have one, I know her from high school and college, and even she only wants to hang out with me if we are going hiking cause she knows that's all I will do with her. PATHETIC!
My husband and I are awesome people...what happened...we met in New Orleans, and the first night we hung out together we drank from 4pm to 4am...straight. He proposed to me at a Mardi Gras Parade after we had been drinking since 7am. We were wild and crazy kids (Steve Martin quote)...So, again I ask, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!?!?
Adulthood hit me too fast and too hard. I have my masters degree, but am working at a dead end job...I want desperately to go to baking school, but don't have the money...I want to have fun but don't have the motivation...I'm a sad, sad, excuse for a 27 year old right now.
That's it, I am going to turn over a new leaf, be more adventurous, take chances and get out of my rut. Well, I will start with some baby steps, how about that? Ha, actually, I love being married and just hanging with my hubby. Maybe this is actually what I want right now, and being boring isnt so bad after all.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Out of Control....

Friday, September 12, 2008
Old School Vegas

The 1987 music video for the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by U2 was filmed on Fremont Street and featured the band members wandering around, while The Edge played an acoustic guitar.
1989 Very Bad Things featured Fremont Street in the movie.
1992's Honey, I Blew Up the Kid prominently featured Fremont Street in the movie.
In 1994, Glitter Gulch was featured prominently in the TV Miniseries The Stand.
The 1997 comedy Vegas Vacation includes a few scenes on Fremont Street.
In the 2004 movie Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Steve the Pirate is seen along the Plaza near the Fremont Street Experience.
In a 2005 release, Panic! at the Disco released a song about cheap motels on Fremont Street called Build God, Then We'll Talk.
The 2007 released movie Next, has Nicholas Cage's character entering the Golden Nugget from the Fremont Street Experience.
Ice Cube's music video for Chrome and Paint took place on Fremont Street, with Ice Cube in a lowrider.
In the video game, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, Logan Keller, and his teammates Jung, and Michael infiltrate Fremont Street to find a news van, which they find by going through the maintenance tunnels under the Stocco Casino.
Heavily referenced in the Tom Waits song 'Mr. Siegal'.
Featured at the beginning of the TV Series - CSI season 7 finale episode 24.
Featured in the opening credits of the TV series Vega$.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Buffet

At midnight every self-respecting casino premières its $1.50 buffet—the eighth wonder of the world, the one true art form this androgynous harlot of cities has delivered herself of.... We marvel at the Great Pyramids, but they were built over decades; the midnight buffet is built daily. Crushed-ice castles and grottoes chill the shrimp and lobster. Sculptured aspic is scrolled with Paisley arabesques. They are, laid out with reverent artistry: hors d'oeuvres, relish, salads, and sauces; crab, herring oyster, sturgeon, octopus, and salmon; turkey, ham, roast beef, casseroles, fondues, and curries; cheeses, fruits and pastries. How many times you go through the line is a private matter between you and your capacity, and then between your capacity and the chef's evil eye.[2]
There is a growing tendency to misuse the word "buffet" to indicate an "all you can eat" meal, even if the food isn't already prepared and laid on a table, but rather you pay a set price and can order anything from a menu, as many times as you like.
I guess I just wouldn't be a true Las Vegas resident if I didn't participate in all that Las Vegas has to offer. I feel I need to be taking advantage of all there is to offer and this includes frequenting the awesome buffets. Im very much looking forward to all the Las Vegas adventures that lay ahead for me and I will be more than willing to partake in everything I can.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Family VaCa...

Catching Up!

That was quit the night, I've always seen Steve-O crazy and out of control on t.v., but to see it up close, that's a whole other story.
I think my favorite times so far have been the shows we have been able to see. Sitting up close for KA, Mystique, Mama Mia, and my personal favorite VAN HALEN!
I'm telling you, David Lee Roth has the greatest high kicks Ive ever seen, and the body of a 21 year old boy. It's really out of control. I was also excited about the fact that sitting right behind us during the concert was Scott Ian from the band ANTHRAX. I was also exited that my husband and I had better tickets than him.
Going to see Kathy Griffin was also a blast. That is one funny woman and we did not stop laughing the whole time. I love watching her on t.v., but when she is not censored, she is even better. I was however disappointed that I didn't get to see any of her wonderful assistants. I was hoping to see them before or after the show. I'm sure though they only make appearances when they are filming Life of the D List.
So far my experience here in Vegas has been a good one. I'm looking forward to exploring a bit more and experiencing all that it has to offer. Hopefully we can sit still in one state for longer than a year. I don't think that I could do all there is to do here in a short amount of time.