So, I've got these two dogs...wicked cute if I do say so myself. They are like the Odd Couple. One is sloppy and a bit gross, one is neurotic and a bit of a neat freak.
Walter and Perry, those are the names of my two children. Many probably haven't seen the cartoon HOME MOVIES. It used to play on Cartoon Network. Anywho, there are these two really annoying friends on the show who are never apart from each other and their names are Walter and Perry...and yes, my husband and I did name our dogs after a cartoon. Please do not judge us.
As you see in the picture above, these two are Besties forever, although they couldn't be more different from each other.
Our black pug Walter has a few issues. First off, for the first year and a half of his life, he pretended that my husband and I didn't exist. He would have nothing to do with us unless Perry our puggle was there. His second issue, is that he will only play with his rubber chicken and plastic hangers. "Why would I give my dog a plastic hanger to chew on?" you might ask, well simple, if that keeps him busy for five minutes or more, then he can have whatever he wants. (I think that may show what a bad parent I will become some day.)
My husband works graveyard shifts, so in order to keep my dog with me on the bed at night, I give him a hanger, that way he doesn't jump off the bed in the middle of the night and do what I believe to be his third issue...and that is to poop in the house and then have himself a little feast. Yes, you heard me correctly, my dog eats poop. My dog, (although he may look cute) is probably to most disgusting creature on the face of the planet. If there were a poop eaters anonymous club I would be the first to sign him up. Its really embarrassing when I take him on walks and I am acting like a crazy lady by screaming at him to stop eating feces off the ground. I get many stares and looks from the other dogs owners. (Like their hideous animals are so superior to mine.)

I have tried to get my dogs trained. We took them to a class while living in New Orleans. My awesome pug failed that class because he stole from the other kids, and, as we were told, is a bit wall eyed so he could not see the tasty treats we shoved in from of his face to get him to sit. Needless to say, we were also unable to get him to focus for the potty training session.
When my husband and I got our dogs, Walter's breeder told us that Pugs don't bark. Well, of course come to find out, my pug does. My husband and I have to change the channel on the TV every time another dog, horse, cat or cow comes on the screen. He does however seem to be fine with most monkeys. The reaction we get from Walter is a howl/bark/growl/cry. Its our faults mostly, we did egg him on when we first discovered his new trick, it was cute when he was a baby, but now we want to ring his neck. I'm telling ya, if he didn't have the cutest face in the world, i may have left him in New Orleans to fend for himself. But alas, I love him as if he had come from my own womb (is that a weird thing to say?)
While all of this drama happens for us on a daily basis, my sweet little Perry just sits quietly loving his mom (that's me). He at all times needs to be around me and near me...he sleeps on my head at night and curls up on my lap anytime I am seated. It actually creeps my husband out (I say he is jealous). My husband has given Perry the nickname of Brian (after the Family Guy cartoon dog). We are afraid Perry might be in love with me, and at times we are convinced he may be plotting against my husband in order to be the only man in my life. 

In all honesty, I love having dogs, these two in particular. My husband and I drove from New Orleans, to Missouri, to Washington, Iowa and back to New Orleans in 36 hours. It was quite ridiculous at the time, but I don't regret the trip. As insane as these two are, they are still my babies.
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