Ok, quick question...Whose closest friends plan a trip with you to their old college homecoming weekend, and in the process invite your ex-boyfriend to stay in the same hotel? Yeah, apparently mine do...Um, hi guys, I don't think my HUSBAND would enjoy that too much...
Thinking about the above paragraph in my head over and over has gotten me to one conclusion...My closest friends would rather hang out with my ex-boyfriend than me! OMG! That is so utterly depressing I can't stand it.
I mean I get the fact that I'm an old married lady and they are still single and having a good drunkin time every weekend. But jeeze you guys, throw me an frickin bone here. I can still be fun, I can still hang for an all night drunk fest at my former college...Can't I? That's when I realized that No, I can't hang anymore.
I take you now back to the weekend my awesome friends came to visit my husband and I in Vegas...First off, I was actually a little hesitant to have them come visit for the mere fact that "How in gods name was I going to be able to get my grocery shopping done for the upcoming week?" Yes, sadly enough I have a set schedule for my weekends because, A) I'm a bit OCD and B) I just really have nothing else going on right now.
So my friends come in and right away they are so fired up to party their arses off that I become really nervous. It has been about a year since I really partied.
The whole weekend consisted of us going to dinner and partying at Planet Hollywood (where they stayed) all night, except I did not indulge in the all night partying the way they did. I actually started the nights anxiously planning out what time I would be going home so I could take the dogs out before bed. How sad am I. I've gotten to the point where I can't even let loose because I feel I have responsibilities that can not be neglected for even one night.
oh, and remember, my husband works grave yard shifts, so its not like I have anyone waiting impatiently for me to get home...in fact, much to my surprise, my husband issupportive of me going out with friends...so why can't I get myself to do it?
While my friends are in town, they are staying out till 5am and I am going home (pretty much sober) at 1am. Super lame, huh? While I watch them get drunk and dance and have a good time, I am planning my excuse for having to get home...So, really, its no wonder that they would rather hang out with my not afraid to have a good time ex, instead of me...I really don't bring much to the table.
I guess instead of being uber P-Oed that my friends chose to invite my ex, knowing full well that I would be too uncomfortable to join them, I should really sit back and reevaluate why my friends would rather this take this route.
I went from partying four nights a week, to planning out my weekly grocery trips. Is this what being a grown up is? Have I embraced it too fully?
Right now, sitting at my desk at my boring job (yes, I am blogging while I should be working) I am realizing that I need to get out and live...my husband and I live in Las Vegas for crying out loud. Granted we have no money, but I'm sure we could be finding something more exciting to do than dinner and a movie on the weekends. I need to make friends... I have one, I know her from high school and college, and even she only wants to hang out with me if we are going hiking cause she knows that's all I will do with her. PATHETIC!
My husband and I are awesome people...what happened...we met in New Orleans, and the first night we hung out together we drank from 4pm to 4am...straight. He proposed to me at a Mardi Gras Parade after we had been drinking since 7am. We were wild and crazy kids (Steve Martin quote)...So, again I ask, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?!?!?
Adulthood hit me too fast and too hard. I have my masters degree, but am working at a dead end job...I want desperately to go to baking school, but don't have the money...I want to have fun but don't have the motivation...I'm a sad, sad, excuse for a 27 year old right now.
That's it, I am going to turn over a new leaf, be more adventurous, take chances and get out of my rut. Well, I will start with some baby steps, how about that? Ha, actually, I love being married and just hanging with my hubby. Maybe this is actually what I want right now, and being boring isnt so bad after all.
6 months ago
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