In the Beging of August, I met my family in Coronado Island, California for a little R&R. It was a good time. We were able to stay in a great home that actually was big enough for 13 people. Thats always a plus.
Growing up my family frequented San Diego often. For about 5 or 6 years Mission Beach in San Diego was our little get away city (along with most Arizona Residents). I loved going there, staying on the beach allowed us all day access to sun, sand and the beautiful ocean. I loved body surfing and falling asleep in the warm sand. There was nothing better. In the evenings my family would Bar-be-que, or order pizza from the local joint around the corner from us. We would go to Bellmont Park and ride the roller coaster or shop in the surf shops. What a great vacation town.
My family stopped going to San Diego and decided to venture out further to Rocky Point. That was fun, but never the same as San Diego.
This year we stayed on Coronado Island. It was less crowded and we got to spend a lot of time on the beach (which is all that matters). I spent every morning running from our rented home to the beach and every afternoon relaxing in the sun and reading the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers. It could have only gotten better if my husband had been able to get off work and tag along.
One of the days there my sisters, nieces, nephew and my mom and I all went to Los Angeles to visti the American Girl Store. I went to spend time with the kids, and because I had never been to Los Angeles. WHAT A DRIVE!!!! wow, I will never complain about traffic in Las Vegas ever again. Los Angeles freeways are OOC (out of control)!
Anywho, the American Girl store is quit the place. I'm telling you, if they had stores like this when I was growing up, I think I would still be playing with dolls to this day. This store was rediculous...two stories of dolls and accessories for them. I got my niece some accessories for her Birthday. She insisted on the doctor set containing crutches, casts and bandages. I would have also gotten her the wheelchair, but it was all getting a bit pricey.
We met up with my brother-in-laws sister and her hubby. They are such great people. Very groovy and artsy. They are both successful writers living in Los Angeles with their two puppies. What a life. Alysia hung out with us and her husband took my nephew and brother in law to the boardwalk. They had fun exploring and eating at the world first hot dog stand. I was a bit jealous about that...
At the American Girl store they actually have a restaurant. We made reservation and ate there. It was all very cute. Little high chairs were set up for the girls who brought their dolls with them, and the food was fun and kid friendly. (Seriously, I want to be a small child again!)
On one of the last nights on our vacation my family and I went to a great pizza place that overlooked the bay. This is the night we met the owner of the Phoenix Suns...(I am a diehard fan) and the night my brother-in-law bought an awesome Dr. Suess painting. It was a pretty good evening.
I am glad I was able to go on this vacation with my family. Its hard for me being the only one who live away from Arizona. I miss seeing my nieces and nephews. Hopefully when they are older they will come visit me in Vegas...Im sure my sisters are really looking forward to that day (probably not).
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