According to Wikipedia: The "all you can eat" buffet has been ascribed to Herb Macdonald, a Las Vegas hotel manager who introduced the idea in 1946 . In his 1965 novel The Muses of Ruin, William Pearson wrote, of the Las Vegas buffet:
At midnight every self-respecting casino premières its $1.50 buffet—the eighth wonder of the world, the one true art form this androgynous harlot of cities has delivered herself of.... We marvel at the Great Pyramids, but they were built over decades; the midnight buffet is built daily. Crushed-ice castles and grottoes chill the shrimp and lobster. Sculptured aspic is scrolled with Paisley arabesques. They are, laid out with reverent artistry: hors d'oeuvres, relish, salads, and sauces; crab, herring oyster, sturgeon, octopus, and salmon; turkey, ham, roast beef, casseroles, fondues, and curries; cheeses, fruits and pastries. How many times you go through the line is a private matter between you and your capacity, and then between your capacity and the chef's evil eye.[2]
There is a growing tendency to misuse the word "buffet" to indicate an "all you can eat" meal, even if the food isn't already prepared and laid on a table, but rather you pay a set price and can order anything from a menu, as many times as you like.
Living in Las Vegas, it is expected of one to frequent a Buffet quit often. With so many casinos throughout the city, it would be hard to avoid.
It's a good thing I brought with me a love for a good buffet when I moved here. In the short amount of time I have been here, I have experienced the Rio Casino Carnival World Buffet, The Palms Bistro Buffet, Ceasar's Cafe Lago Buffet and Planet Hollywood's Spice Market Buffet.
As the quote above states, there is a growing misuse of the word buffet to indicate an "all you can eat" meal. Well, unfortunately I am one of those people who misuses the word. I have no self control when stepping into a Buffet. Maybe its because there are so many different foods to choose from, or maybe its the fact that these meals are over $20 each and I am determined to get my monies worth.
I do things a bit differently though...I'm not a seafood eater, so I skip that section and the Asian, Italian and Mexican sections don't do it for me. If there is a Mediterranean section, I'm all about that and will eat most of it. I also enjoy sections that have soups, salads, and cheese. But I wont waste too much of my time on those things. What I am really there for is the DESSERT!!! I will take one of each dessert and I am not scared of those around me staring wide eyed at my overloaded plate. I've been so entranced with the desert section that many times I don't notice the sour faces of those behind me waiting for their sane dessert portion. I on the other hand like to test all sweets that they have to offer. My husband gets a bit embarrassed at times. But, at least I feel like I'm getting my 20 bucks worth.
Now, a buffet for me comes with one big consequence, and that is the feeling of death after every endeavor. I know when I get home I will be sick for hours and unable to move from the couch. I know that I will be running extra miles the next day to burn the 4000 calories I had consumed. This however never deters me. I just imagine all of the lovey cakes and cookies that are awaiting me, and I get excited. Its a sickness of some sort, I'm sure.
I guess I just wouldn't be a true Las Vegas resident if I didn't participate in all that Las Vegas has to offer. I feel I need to be taking advantage of all there is to offer and this includes frequenting the awesome buffets. Im very much looking forward to all the Las Vegas adventures that lay ahead for me and I will be more than willing to partake in everything I can.
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