Monday, September 29, 2008

New Book, New Attitude

So, this weekend was pretty uneventful. I did a little shopping and a little baking. My husband and I went to an Excellent movie Saturday night. It was Miracle at St. Anna...Here is the description from Fandango...

The story of four black American soldiers who are members of the US Army as part of the all-black 92nd “Buffalo Soldier” Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II. They experience the tragedy and triumph of the war as they find themselves trapped behind enemy lines and separated from their unit after one of them risks his life to save an Italian boy.
Anyway, this was such a good movie...I definitely recommend it...I don't watch movies that have potential of making me cry, well, this one snuck by me and I cried like a friggin baby!
Anyway, I found a new book at B&N this weekend and it's a pretty good one. For all you runners out there, you know how it's hard sometimes to balance good nutrition and good workouts. Well, I am reading Fast Track: Training and Nutrition Secrets from America's Top Female Runner, by Suzy Favor Hamilton and Jose Antonio, PH.D.
This book explains all the mistakes Suzy (who is a middle distance runner) has made in her career with her training and nutrition and everything she did to correct her eating and running habits and make her a better, stronger runner. This book hit on everything I am doing wrong right now. She explains that not eating enough and not eating the right foods can really making it harder to train and run on a day to day basis.
I am halfway through the book right now, and I love it. It has really opened my eyes to why I have hit my running wall. I really recommend it.

1 comment:

J said...

I will definitely have to look for that book next time I am at the book store!