Last night my husband and I went and saw Role Models, with Paul Rudd, Sean Patrick Scott and that kid from Super Bad (McLovin'). This movie was wicked funny. It was offensive, crude, and shocking! But I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
This movie for some reason sent my brain into this mode where I just started remembering all the silly things I did as a teenager. It may have to do with Paul Rudd (Clueless) and Sean Patrick Scott (Stiffler, American Pie).

weird stage in life for me).
I may get off the subject now, but I was reminded as I talked about putting pictures on my wall of all the pictures I use to wallpaper with. I had a whole wall dedicated to "hot guys" in my room. I distinctly remember some of them. I had a couple of Nicolas Cage, circa The Rock, Con Air and Face Off (apparently I liked receding hairlines and bad acting at that time in my life). I totally had a pic of him in my locker sad for me.
I also remember a lot of GQ pictures of Tyson Beckford.
I thought he was the hottest guy to ever walk the face of the earth. My Grandfather use to subscribe to GQ. Wow, for a boy crazy teenage girl, that magazine was a dream come true. I had all sorts of models hung in my room. He use to get mad at me if I was ripping pages out before he read the issue. Actually I recently bought a GQ for my husband, it had Seth Rogan on the front of it. I was looking through, and all the advertising had these little skinny boys that could possibly pass for pre-pubescent girls. I guess I am dating myself, but I really hate the look of guys today. They seem a bit too feminine for my taste. I like a man with substance, maybe one that can grow facial hair even. Some of these guys don't look as if they are even able to shave yet.

Sometimes I miss those teenage days. The days when I use to just talk on the phone with my girlfriends for hours gossipping and talking about nothing. Being obsessed with the latest teen throb, and confessing my deepest darkest thoughts in my diary. I just recently got a package from my parents with some of my things from my old bedroom. I had old diaries in there. Wow, the topics I use to write about. It all seems so foreign to me know. I can barely remember those thoughts and feelings. It was like reading the pages out of a strangers memoir. Kind of disturbing.
Anyway, I think I have gotten off to subject. My point I guess is just to remember those simple days where the most one had to worry about was which party they should go to that weekend, or who was taking who to the school dance. I really want to go back to high school sometimes, I actually had a pretty good time. Not enough drama to ruin the rest of my life, but just enough to keep things interesting.
Well, Happy Saturday, and hope others have some good past memories that make them smile when they think back.
I so want to see that movie!! I always thought Paul Rudd was this gorgeous/charming man on screen who steals girls' heart, but I realized now that he's kinda good at making people laugh..
I still like though to see him again in romantic comedy where he started because he is great in it!
Simple days - ha!!
Film sounds amusing, I have so many I really should and want to go see right now.
Have some fun reminiscing!
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