So, I wish I looked like this when I was stressed!
I had spent the last 6 weeks in an academy for my new job with child welfare, and now I am done and have been in the real world for a couple of days, and yeah, it has been the most hectic and stressful time of my life, and weirdly, I love it!
It is so nice to finally have a job where I'm not being paid to sit around and play Yahoo! games all day, cause, as fun as that might sound, I think in the long run it actually made me a little dumber.
I now go to work and by the time I look at the clock its like 1pm and I realize that I haven't used the restroom or eaten all day...in my last job I was so bored I made it a point to pee ever half hour just so I had a reason to get up and I ate every 5 seconds cause I had nothing else to do...
Even though I'm really stressed and don't feel like there is enough time in the day, I finally feel like there is meaning in my life and that I am actually contributing to society. I now have a reason to have a business card (I was always so jealous of those who had them) and I actually have so much to do that I can never get it all done...it actually feels GREAT!
I'm sure in about 2.5 I'm going to be wishing I had never said all this, but for the time being I am finally happy in a job I am actually using my degree and people actually have a reason to respect me, so, yea for my self esteem!
I now have to go pass out because I'm too exhausted to wait till 9pm to go to sleep. Lame!
Aww Brooke! Way to go!!!
Congrats on finishing up the training and good luck with everything with your new job:)
You deserve it!!
That's awesome. Sense of self worth is really very important! :)
Congrats! It's great to have a job you love.
SO excited for you lady! Miss your face!
I know how you feel with your old job. :/ Good luck with your new one and I hope you love it! :)
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