My Mother-in-law is coming into town this next week...I am in panic mode.
My Mother-in-law is different. She is from Belgium, so she has a lot of old school European thoughts and ways. When she comes I feel a lot of pressure and anxiety and I turn into this emotional wreak (inside my own head, I try not to show her my weakness).
She comes from the old school thought of "taking care of her husband and family." Now most women feel this way, but she takes it to the extreme. Like, I've never seen her husband lift a finger, sort of thing.
Perfectly lovely woman, very nice and helpful (overly helpful). When she comes I feel like my house has to be immaculate, I have to have baked goods around (well, we all know that I always do anyway) and I feel like nothing I do is right. Like she buys cleaning supplies for my house, and insists on taking us grocery shopping and getting food that my husband may have like once in his life (when he was like 5 ).
I like to cook pretty healthy, but for some reason she insists that I make her son Chinese food every time she takes us to the store, (even though he has never in our relationship asked me to make Chinese food or even hinted at the fact that he would enjoy that).
I finally had to tell her that she should stop buying things just because she thinks they are a good idea because it will go to waste and I think that is ridiculous. (Apparently that comment did not go over well, and I have had to be SUPER NICE ever since to make up for it).
Anyway, so right now I am in panic mode and its Saturday and I have been up since 6 am cause I feel like I have to clean my house spotless and bake and grocery shop (so she understands that I do feed her son). AHHHHHH! STRESS!!!!
And I know that this is selfish, but my running schedule is going to be thrown off (I like to run at night and I have to switch to mornings, I HATE THAT!). So right now I am just a HOT MESS!
Well, Back to ripping my house apart in an attempt to have it spotless...Wish me luck!
1 comment:
Good luck!
How bad can it be? Definitely not as bad as the film!!
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