Well, she did it, I was a little nervous about Bette Midler last night, and her being able to captivate my husband in any way what so ever, and guess what...Ms. Midler did it...my husband walked out of the Caesar's Palace with a huge smile on his face and some new favorite songs (i.e. The Rose, Wind Beneath My Wing).
It was a great show, she still has a foul mouth and great legs and can sing like no tomorrow. I'm glad we went. Now we are saving up for Elton John. I love living here and being able to see these stars that we would otherwise never have the opportunity to see.
I also have an issue that of course involves my dog. I am getting frustrated because I am always trying to buy him new toys and bones and such, and he has this tendency to only play with his old rubber chicken (I bought him a new one that he wont touch) and an some rags left over from his pink french poodle (we named her Tina). Its really pathetic and kind of gross. 

I don't know, it grosses me out, but they are his babies, so what can I say...
Well, I hope all have a good weekend. Chow.
Bette Midler!? I love her!!! Wow, you guys are so lucky living in Vegas. Vegas is one of the cities I've always wanted to live.
Regarding your dog, my mom-in-law also buys her dog bogey ton of stuff, but his true favorite is this stuffed animal (another pups) and she has to stitch it together every single time he chew it down. Dogs are like babies, you buy expensive toys, but only play with kitchen plastic container.
That is great about living in vegas, I'm jealous for sure!
About your dog chewing toys, seriously my dog does the same thing, within and hour a 5 dollar ducks squeaker will be pulled apart and the stuffing is spewn around everywhere. Sad but true. I guess they are just playing though, better than a couch cushion!
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