Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank you to those who sent their good wishes to me this week. It has been really hard since losing Walter my pug, but my husband and I are trying to keep our spirits up.

I think I have also become an overprotective mom to Perry. I have been watching him like a hawk and getting freaky if he doesn't eat his breakfast or dinner. I am worry he is going to get depressed, but, he is also one of those dogs who always seems depressed. So I don't know what to look for.

I have been taking him on longer walks and today took him on a special "mommy, doggy" day. We went to the dog park and then I took him to Petco for some shopping. Walter had a habit of peeing on the displays when we would go, so I could never take them. Perry seemed really excited to sniff around. At the dog park he met up with two other puggles. One was a little girl and Im pretty sure he quite fancied her.

We are just going to be low key on this Halloween night. Hit up some Italian food and maybe do some gambling at the casino near our home. Not really feeling like I need to party.

Anyway, happy Halloween to all of you!

In loving Memory of Walter


Ev'Yan || apricot tea. said...

I read the last few entries regarding the complications you were having with Walter & my eyes are welling up with tears. I don't know if I could cope if I lost my Sofie. You sound very, very strong.

You, your husband & little Perry are in my thoughts today.

Anonymous said...

This post totally made me tear up!

I'm really glad Perry seems to be doing okay!

Jess said...

This is so sad. I really hope Perry is okay. It must be horrible for all of you.
hope you had some good food and a big win at the casino!

Jamie Lovely said...

I'm very overprotective of my puppy to since my other dog passed. I'm always afraid something will happen to her.

I'm glad Perry seems to be doing well. <3

Chic Runner said...

Glad you are doing well, and little Perry is okay as well. Hope you had a good Halloween, and can get out and go running soon!

Maki said...

Aww Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your pups. It must have been so hard for you guys....

I've lost my dear cats before and it is like you lose part of yourself.

I hope you're doing better even it's so difficult...

Stay strong.. My prayer is with you guys!